Labiyeur offers Fast & Free Shipping in the United States on all your purchases.
For us, Free Shipping doesn't mean slow shipping. Labiyeur ships most of your orders within 24 hours during business days. Depending on your location, you may receive your order in 2 to 5 days.
We use a variety of carriers for each shipping option and will choose the most appropriate delivery method for "Free Shipping" orders. It is possible to specify a preferred carrier or a preferred shipping method when choosing a paid shipping option.
Because of their size, we may not be able to ship Men's suits and Dress shirts to P.O Boxes.
After you have placed an order you can check its status in your account by clicking on the "Completed Orders" link.
Labiyeur reserves the right to discontinue any shipping promotion at any time and without prior notice.
P.S.: It is the responsibility of the international buyer to take care of customs requirements in his country.